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You will work your entire life: paying taxes, building your business, and building your retirement savings.  It is THIS time when the highest taxes of your life start to visit you and plague you for the rest of your life.

I'm David Kinder, Registered Financial Consultant® and Chartered Life Underwriter®, and I believe that the system is broken when it comes to common traditional financial advice.  I can prove it and show people a far better way.  I believe that the common traditional advice benefits the Internal Revenue Service, Wall Street, and lending institutions FAR more than the American Taxpayer is led to believe.  I believe such advice creates more victims than winners for those who engage and follow that advice.

Just how broken is the system?  Would you believe that if you retire successfully, you can be paid up to SEVENTH in line out of your retirement savings?!  SEVENTH!

🚩 Federal income taxes

🚩 State income taxes

🚩 Local county & city income taxes

🚩 Taxes on your Social Security retirement benefits

🚩 Medicare IRMAA success penalty

🚩 Wealth management fees to manage your retirement nest-egg

➡️ Finally... you.

I want to show you how you can use the tax code to your advantage and retire off the radar screen of the IRS for income tax purposes. I want to show you how you can use your money before you retire to help you accelerate your financial planning. I want to show you how qualifying business owners can grow their business using money previously sent to the IRS each year... and eventually sell their businesses and legally avoid paying capital gains taxes!


YOU built your retirement savings and your successful business.
The IRS and state tax authorities did not share in your risk,
but they will surely share in your reward.


Results I bring: My clients will be able to retire at the standard of living they want... using only half to a third of the money that traditional advice would tell them they would otherwise need to do it and they'll be able to use this capital before retirement to help them fuel their financial futures even further!  For qualifying business owners, you may be able to sell your business and legally bypass capital gains taxes so you can have far more walk-away cash for your retirement! 


Why should you listen to me? I have studied these areas far more than the average advisor and tax preparer. I've written over 150 blog articles on my site documenting what I have learned. I am an industry platform speaker and contribute to many various industry publications.

I also help mentor and guide over 13,000 financial professionals around the world in my Facebook group to help them guide and advise their clients.  You can read many of their kind comments and testimonials to me below.  


I am just curious... would you like to learn what I have come to know?

David Kinder
David H. Kinder, RFC®, ChFC®, CLU® ​

"The Tax-Exempt Wealth Guy!"
David Kinder Insurance and Financial Wealth Solutions

& David Kinder Financial Consulting and Analysis Services

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Phone & Text:

(951) 313-8208

Regulatory Disclosure: Not Legal, Tax, or Securities Investment Advice:

The material discussed on this web site is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only and it is not to be construed as tax, legal, or investment advice, nor does it represent any specific company or specific products.  David H. Kinder, RFC®, ChFC®, CLU® is not registered nor licensed as a Registered Investment Advisory Firm (RIA), Investment Advisor Representative (IAR), nor as a Registered Representative (RR) with any broker/dealer firm, and is therefore not registered with, or supervised by, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), or any state securities regulatory office.  As such, David H. Kinder, RFC®, ChFC®, CLU® does not provide investment advice, specifically: buying, selling, holding, risk analysis, or any other analysis of securities, nor the asset allocation of securities portfolios. For specific investment advice on your securities investment portfolio, please contact a licensed and registered investment professional in your state.

David H. Kinder, RFC®, ChFC®, CLU® does offer general investment information for educational purposes and may propose alternative financial strategies that do not contain or include securities. He does also discuss the pros and cons of various kinds of accounts (such as IRS regulated retirement plans) and is considered incidental advice surrounding various strategies and solutions, but does not necessarily constitute advice on the underlying securities.  


For tax or legal services and advice, please consult a licensed professional in your state.  Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, please note that individual situations can vary and the information should be relied upon only when coordinated with individual professional advice.

David H. Kinder, RFC®, ChFC®, CLU® is a life, accident & health insurance agent in California (CA Insurance License #0E54187) and can easily be licensed to do business in other states.   

David Kinder Insurance and Financial Wealth Solutions is the marketing name for David H. Kinder, RFC®, ChFC®, CLU® and is not affiliated with any other company. 

David Kinder Financial Consulting and Analysis Services offers separate financial analysis services that may be appropriate, offered by engagement agreement, and on a fee-for-service basis that does not offset commissions earned through product placement.  Any recommendations through these services can be implemented with any licensed professional the client chooses, including David Kinder Insurance and Financial Wealth Solutions.


Insurance and annuity product guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company. Guarantees do not apply to the performance of any particular index option on fixed indexed insurance contracts, or on projected dividends on participating insurance contracts.  Planning results are not guaranteed and are subject to individual situations and circumstances. Listing company client access links under the "Client Access" menu does not constitute any endorsement, filing, or approval of this website or its content by such listed companies.  Client access links are provided for client convenience only.

The RFC® designation is conferred and issued by the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC) and is used by permission.  
The marks of CLU® and ChFC® are the property of The American College of Financial Services, which reserves sole rights to its use, and is used by permission.  

© David Kinder Insurance and Financial Wealth Solutions; All Rights Reserved

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