Author Unknown
I am a piece of paper - but even more - I am an idea… a promise
I help an Individual see visions and dream dreams
I am education for children
I am savings; I help achieve economic immortality
I am property that increases in value year after year
I lend money when it's needed most… with no questions asked
I pay off mortgages so families can remain together in their home during times of trial
I create, manage and distribute property; protect employees and jobs
I am tangible evidence that an individual is a good provider
I am a declaration of financial independence and economic freedom
I purvey peace of mind - I provide for retirement, with dignity - without the fear of want
I am the only thing one can buy on the installment plan that his/her spouse does NOT have to finish paying for…
I am a certificate of character; an evidence of good citizenship, an unimpeachable title to the right of self-government
I am protected by laws which prevent creditors from taking the money I give your loved ones
I am a great social compact that merges the individual into the mass and replaces the frailty of one standing alone with the immeasurable strength of many standing together!
I supply capital that creates and sustains countless jobs
I guarantee that there will ALWAYS be a Christmas – with tinsel, a happy fireside and children's laughter – even though the breadwinner is no longer there
I am the Guardian Angel of the Home… of Your Family…